Actually, Why Does She Ignore Me If She Likes Me?

Why does she ignore me if she likes me? Are you wondering why the girl you like does not reciprocate your feelings? Do you feel that she is giving you mixed signals? Curious to understand why girls ignore men when they like them? 

You have possibly gathered enough information to ascertain the fact that she likes you! Things like being quick to reply to you, blushing when you compliment her, paying attention to details like your birthday, and even entertaining your requests for dates.

Does she even like me, or is she stringing me along?! 

Before you label them as toxic and a red flag, read on to understand some of the basic psychology behind why women do this and how to win over them eventually.

Also, how do we identify girls who are simply stringing men with no intention of dating them?

Hi, I’m Jasveena! Blogging since 2013, I share tips & stories about navigating relationships and finding meaningful connections. Read more about me.

As seen on NewsWeek, The News Movement and BestLife

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A couple hugging in a bench with a text layover "why does she ignore me if she likes me?"

My Experience

Women are hard-wired and taught that they shouldn’t be chasing men to appear more valuable and uphold their dignity. I have expressed my feelings and paid attention to men I like because to me, why does it matter who expresses their feelings first?

However, the real problem lies in the fact that I am more attached to them than they are to me. This is where the chase happens because I wouldn’t want to let go of people I like. As a result, I became emotionally vulnerable and disturbed.

This is the reason why I am very careful when I like someone first nowadays: I want to be sure we are investing our emotions and energy somewhat equally to reduce the emotional damage that can occur if things do not go well.

Women ignore men they like to make sure they get enough signs that the men are invested in them so that they feel valued and loved.

Why Does She Ignore Me If She Likes Me?

  1. She Wants To Be Pursued

Should women pursue men? They can. In fact, both genders can express their feelings and desires to each other. But, like the gesture of women dropping the handkerchief, women who like to be pursued by men will usually hold themselves back even if they like a man.

This is especially true if men are more casual or have not expressed their feelings openly yet.

  1. She Is Creating A Push-Pull Dynamic

If she is ignoring you, it means that she is creating a push-pull dynamic that would entice you further and keep you hooked onto the connection. You know, things like talking to you and entertaining you one day and then completely ignoring you the next day would keep you feeling puzzled and wondering why she is reacting that way towards you.

Without you realizing it, you would actually be thinking about her day and night, and that would create an obsession towards her.

  1. She Is Not Sure About Your Feelings

If you think that she likes you but she is ignoring you, it could also mean that she’s not sure about your feelings towards her. She probably doesn’t know if you like her enough in order for her to continue showing some stuff she likes you.

Have you ever explicitly told her that you like her before? because if you haven’t done so, it could be that she’s not very sure about how strong your feelings are for her. This is related to the next possibilities that we are going to look at.

  1. She Is Taking Time To Be Sure

Why does she ignore me if she likes me?

We have discussed how she is not sure about you and your feelings towards her, but what about her feelings? She probably likes you, but she does not know how to react because she may not want to promise you something that she may not be able to fulfill later on.

“Is this guy somebody that I like? Am I being blinded by pure emotions and feelings? Am I sure that I would like to proceed further?”

Women often face these dilemmas in their heads, and she might be figuring it out. This goes to show that she probably needs some time to understand what it is that she wants right now.

  1. She Is Shy

Why does she ignore me if she likes me? It could also be because she is actually feeling shy and uncomfortable around you. She doesn’t want to make it too obvious because she’s probably going to blush, and it’s going to, you know, show her feelings for you.

What Can A Man Do To Identify What A Woman Feels?

So, how can you, as a man, identify what a woman actually feels?

  1. She Will Show Signs

Does she check up on you all the time? If you are a colleague, you probably noticed that she likes to be around where you are. Does she show signs of being interested in talking to you? Is she more feminine towards you?

  1. She Is Jealous If You Talk To Others

Deliberately tell her that you are seeing someone else, and tell her that you don’t know what you feel about this person and that you feel comfortable sharing this with her and asking her opinion on how to move forward.

A girl who is genuinely interested in you would naturally feel jealous about it. She would not tell you exactly what to do and would try to drift away from you. This is when you should pull her back to yourself by saying that you’ve changed your mind and you’re not really interested in the other girl.

See how she reacts and how she gets more comfortable with you again.

  1. Stop Pursuing Her To See If She Reciprocates 

If you have been the one pursuing her all the time, what you can do is actually stop pursuing her a bit and see if she notices the difference in your actions. Does she come back to you asking why you have been distant?

How To Identify Toxic Women Stringing Men Along?

While it is something commendable to pursue a woman actively, you also do not want to become a victim of toxic women who love to string men along for their benefit. Make your intentions clear to women, give them some time to process this, and set your timeline to not waste too much of your time.

A woman who is really into you would reciprocate feelings towards you and put in an equal amount of effort to show that she cares for you.

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