Phone Recording Sex: 5 Facts That Will Unlock Your New Fear

Phone recording sex – whether you are here to learn if it is normal to have phone recording sex within couples, how to do it safely, or even how it can be detrimental if you are not taking precautions especially when exploring this with a partner that you’re not in a committed relationship with.

Even if you are in a committed relationship, you should remember that with technology, anything can be exploited especially if someone else has access to the data in your phone. 

However, suppose you are not in a committed relationship. In that case, you definitely should remember the consequences that you may face the next time you feel tempted to have a steamy session with your temporary partner (my fwb has a girlfriend, so why does he still want to sleep with me) as there are unexpected consequences that may unlock your new fear.

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My Experience

I’ve seen people engaging in phone recording sex thinking that it is going to be safe only to learn that the recording was carried out non-consensually and one of the partners has no clue that they are being recorded! 

I know that you may be thinking that you are safe and probably your partner will not do something stupid like circulating your videos. However, how many cases have we encountered whereby we have seen ex-boyfriends or even ex-girlfriends trying to expose their previous partners by blackmailing them with their intimate photos and videos?

Although we take precautions like engaging in intimate activities using end-to-end encrypted platforms like Disappearing Chat on Instagram, it is truly up to people engaging in such activities to remain respectful towards each other. 

We should remember that although technology providers have taken extra initiatives to make the platform safe, at the end of the day, violations of these restrictions do happen, which is beyond the app providers’ control.

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A couple sitting on a beach lazy chair with text layover "phone recording sex: 5 harsh facts that will unlock your new fear"

Phone Recording Sex: What Is It?

So, remember not so long ago, the world shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic that made physical contact between people almost impossible unless you are living with your family members.

Dating was made impossible at this point and a lot of people were left frustrated because skin hunger was a real issue and human connection was reduced to screen time and video calls. 

A lot of couples were also not living together and they were stuck in different cities without being able to get back to each other. Undoubtedly, there’s also added strain on relationships and a lot of people were going astray because of a lack of physical intimacy. 

Phone recording sex or even digital intimacy became a thing during the pandemic because technology was the only thing that connected people and couples were resorting to digital forms of intimacy to somewhat offset the lack of connection they felt in their relationship.

In short, phone recording sex is a form of physical intimacy that is being recorded for the pleasure of two people involved in the arrangement. This should happen consensually between two consenting adults. However, let’s look into the reality of what happens often among people resorting to digital intimacy.

5 Harsh Facts That Will Unlock Your New Fear

I don’t want to scare you but here are the five harsh facts that will unlock your new fear regarding digital intimacy.

  1. You Maybe Recorded Even If You Think You Are Not 

You may be thinking that you are safe and that you trust your partner enough whether you are in a committed relationship or not, and you might be thinking that nobody would be recording each other because who wants to keep such sensitive and private moments stored in their phone?

However, a lot of men do record without letting the partners know especially if it is between people who are not in a committed relationship. This is because women tend to think that men respect them as much as they respect the men involved in such arrangements but this is sadly not the case. 

Until and unless you explicitly tell your partner that you would not want to be recorded and unless you have asked them if they have done such recording before, you can never be sure that you are not being recorded. 

And here’s the thing, even if you ask them, they can simply brush it off and lie through their teeth. So, there is no assurance as to whether you are being recorded or not.

  1. Anything Involving Technology Is Risky 

You may think that using a safe platform like Secret Chat on Instagram can be a safe way to make sure that you’re not being recorded. However, even a platform like the secret chat on Instagram cannot stop people from recording or taking a screenshot of your conversation. However, the next best thing that Instagram can do for you is to let you know that you have been recorded when such recording starts. 

You can ask your partner if you have been recorded and probably they could say that they are not aware of it and maybe they have pressed something accidentally.

Until and unless you have access to their phone to verify this, you can never ascertain that they have not recorded you.

  1. Imagine Phones Getting Hacked With Your Nudes In It

Well, even if you think that you are engaging in digital intimacy with a safe partner, imagine phones getting hacked with their nudes in it! 

Have you ever imagined what would happen if either one of you lost your phone and your private and sensitive images were being watched by a stranger or maybe even they could use that to extort money from you?

  1. You Don’t Want Temporary People Having Your Pictures

If you are engaging in such activities with a temporary partner, you certainly do not want people to be having your pictures on their phones. The next best thing that you can do is to make sure that you do not reveal your face when you’re engaging in the activity to make sure that your privacy is protected. 

Using the one-time-view-only option on platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp can make sure that whatever you are sharing with people can only be viewed once and this will not be stored in the camera roll.

  1. Your Pictures May Be Shared

Now, the last but the scariest part of all is the fact that if you are engaging in activities like this with someone dishonest and unreliable, your pictures may be shared without your consent, and needless to say, this is the ultimate fear of anyone engaging in digital intimacy.

Close-To-Safe Ways To Protect Yourself

Phone recording sex can be dangerous because even if you are doing it with your committed partner, you wouldn’t want them to open anything sizzling and sexy when the midst of a meeting or something like that. 

You also do not want people to have sensitive footage or images saved in their camera roll. 

What you can do is to make sure that you are engaging in an end-to-end encrypted platform and use the one-time view function to make sure that whatever that you are sending or not being kept in the camera roll.

Avoid revealing your face and easily identifiable information like jewelry or the background of your image because this could also reveal that it is you in it although your face is not visible.

Use platforms like secret chat on Instagram that allow you to be safe because it is going to disappear once you have exited the chat box and also you will be notified if someone is taking a screen grab of it. 

Nevertheless, you can never be sure that you will be completely safe but at least you know that if someone tries to record you, you have the evidence.

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Is phone sex important in LDR?

In a long-distance relationship, phone sex is definitely crucial and important because it can serve as stress relief and bring partners closer than before. A simple steamy conversation like sending what you are wearing to your partner can initiate people to get into the mood and therefore both of you can enjoy the moment together although you are in a long-distance relationship.

Is it normal for long-distance couples to sext?

Being flirtatious in the form of s****** which is sexually suggestive texts, whether it is going to be in the form of images or videos, can be extremely useful for partners in a long-distance relationship as well as for those who live together because it adds to the anticipation in intimacy. A random boring day can be turned into an exciting one with random sexts coming from your partner lighting up your day.

Is phone sex considered adultery?
If you’re in a committed relationship and you find that your partner has been engaging in phone sex with someone else without your knowledge if you are in a monogamous relationship, it is definitely considered adultery. 

Cheating can happen in a wide range. From micro-cheating to actually sleeping with another person, what is considered cheating depends on how two people define it.

Is phone sex a sin for married couples?

If you are in a committed relationship and you are married to one another, phone sex is not a sin because you are exchanging pleasure with your legal partner, and phone sex is there only to bring the both of you closer especially if you are in a long distance relationship.

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