Manifest Love: The One Truth You Need to Accept

“Do X, Y, Z to manifest love in 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 2 months… Get enrolled now, and don’t miss this lifetime opportunity to learn the secret of manifestation!”

Ever seen that sort of advertisement online by dating gurus claiming that you are manifesting the wrong way if you haven’t gotten what you wanted?

As an analytical person, I get super frustrated when I think about ways to manifest love.

When I don’t get what I want, or maybe that almost-relationship that makes me curl up on my bed and cry, thinking I still have to work on myself, I go about trying new ways to “torture” myself to rewire my brain to feel that I am worthy of what I want coz I do put in a lot of work.

But…. I found a podcast that has shed light on the bullshit that people have been claiming about ways to manifest love and I can’t wait to share it with you coz it IS GOING TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER.

The ONE truth you need to accept – PATIENCE. This is according to Mel Robbins and I will explain further below. Read on!

Hi, I’m Jasveena! Blogging since 2013, I share tips & stories about navigating relationships and finding meaningful connections. Read more about me.

As seen on NewsWeek, The News Movement and BestLife

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Work Harder To Manifest Love

If you have been trying to manifest love and you have been single for a few years, you are doing it wrong! 

Have you seen people sharing your happy news on social media saying that they have tried to manifest love and manifested it within a specific amount of time?

Has that ever made you feel like a failure, and that you need to work harder and rewire your brain because it feels like something is wrong with your system?

No, don’t get me wrong, because obviously, we need to do some self-reflection to see what is wrong with our relationship patterns and the kind of people that we are attracted to.

“The people you meet in your life are a reflection of your inner work, and you need to think and act differently to attract different kinds of people into your life”

“Let the wrong one go and you will meet the right one sooner”

Sure, you can do all the inner work in the world that you want but you may still not get what you want within a specific period of time because you cannot control the timeline of your life.

All you can do is to whole-heartedly want something and wish as well as desire that particular thing in your life wholeheartedly, like even doing visualization and just feeling that you have attained the thing that you want in life.

And then, you need to let go of the expectations that it would happen or even expect it to happen in a specific manner because that would mean you are trying to control the outcome.

Nobody needs to work harder and harder in order to prove to the universe that they are worthy of love and the partner that they desire because this shows that you are operating from a place of lack and that you need to work harder in order to earn the thing that you want in life.

Imagine being a child who is thirsty for love and will do anything to get the attention of its parents. This is how we behave when we are desperate to get something that we want in life. We end up working harder and harder because we don’t see progress happening sooner than it is meant to happen.

I was in India in 2020, for prayers, because apparently we need to pray hard to be worthy of the love we want in our lives!
A post station in Trichy, taken in 2020

Can You Manifest Love Within A Specific Timeline?

I have been listening to Dr Tara Swart’s manifestation podcast and she has mentioned this many times. She said that she was trying to manifest a husband in 2015 and it didn’t happen in 2015 but she met her would-be husband in February 2016.

No, I’m sure we have heard of a lot of stories like this and probably it is justifiable to say that Dr. Tara manifested it quicker because she has been practicing it for a long time now. 

But also we have seen our friends randomly attracting someone into their lives and that would make us feel like what the heck is wrong with the rest of us and what are we doing wrong?

But then, there are also people I know who are on the spiritual path and are super aware of themselves, who are also not able to find someone for themselves. So, that makes me think – are they doing something wrong too?

So, I was listening to Mel Robbins’ podcast and it really made me feel good because I have been neglecting one of the very important aspects of manifestation that I didn’t know I should be aware of.

The One Thing You Need To Know – Patience

So, she said that some of the things that we want in life can take really really long time. if it is something that we intentionally want and it is something more difficult to attain, it is obviously going to take a longer time.

Now, if you ask me, I would say that I am not exactly the version of myself that I see being married to the ideal life partner that I want because I’m still a work in progress.

I don’t think that I want to be married to a partner who is constantly worrying about being left alone when he is older. I don’t think I will want to be married to a partner who is not taking his health seriously or procrastinating stuff.

So, if I were to imagine a man being single right now if this person is for me, I think that he would be happy being single, working on himself, trying to be the best version possible, enjoying life, and just exploring things happily.

However, in the past few years, I have spent days if not weeks being depressed and just being sad because I am not able to find someone for myself and I have neglected my goals, and some days, I don’t even feel like getting up and out of the bed.

Oh, quite honestly, I think I am still a work in progress. And I don’t mean to say that we have to be perfect in order to be worthy of a life partner but I do believe that the experiences that we get when we are not in the best form of ourselves teach us a lot of things about life.

So, I think what Mel Robbins was saying, completely made sense to me because I think I need to just be happy first and not stress about how and when I will need someone but to truly ask myself if I have been doing everything within my potential to make myself happy first.

Patience is really important when it comes to manifestation and basically, that is just no timeline in life and the time construct is something man-made and I’m sure you are aware of it. 

It can take days, months, or even years for something to happen and we have to understand that for something really great to happen, it really takes a lot of time because it’s making sure that you’re ready for the transformation.

She also mentioned imagining doing the hard things in life. If let’s say you want a partner, you have to imagine doing the hard things like not entertaining your situationship, not entertaining people who are not aligned with your values, and possibly learning how to embrace your singlehood without seeking the attention of temporary people.

I think this is part of the spiritual discipline that we need to uphold to cleanse our system thoroughly from the vibration of people who are not worthy of our energy.

This podcast opened my mind to what I am doing wrong in manifesting the life I want

Not Attached To Outcome

Dating not attached to outcome (NATO) is something very important and I think a lot of people in the dating scene are also advocating this. This is not to say that you shouldn’t have a strong love intention when it comes to dating but you should remember that you cannot control the reactions of people that you’re dating. so, it is extremely important to remember that things can go wrong even if you are on the spiritual path. you definitely will need a lot of wrong people but probably you wouldn’t be reacting to them. Instead, you would sway your focus towards what you want in life, and won’t let people who are not meant for you affect you.

Acceptance That There Are Greater Blessings in Life

The one thing that I hate when it comes to manifesting is the fact that manifestation champions tend to show that they have mastered a skill that the rest of us have not yet figured out and this can actually make us feel very alone in our journey.

All we can do is make sure we are honest with ourselves and we have done whatever it takes to be the right partner and be a good person. However, we can’t predict who we are going to make and what’s going to happen in our lives if we all can actually use manifestation hack every single time in our lives.

Different people have different purposes in life and we should stop comparing ourselves with one another because our journey is completely different it is okay not to have everything in life and it is not possible to have everything in life.

What matters most is to learn how to be happy with whatever little that we have in life.

What we can do is continue imagining good things happening to us and make it a habit to play pictures in our mind that great things are happening in our mind and rewind those happy moments in our lives to always make us feel happy. Feeling good will attract good things eventually in life.

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