Girl, Dont Call Him If He Does These 5 Things In Love

When your friend says dont call him, you still have the urge to call him. Later, you get frustrated for not being able to flush the thoughts about him off your mind and blame yourself for calling him again. Sounds familiar?

It’s the constant dance between knowing what to do and actually being able to do it – knowing that you shouldn’t call him versus wanting to give him a piece of your mind by confronting him and getting your closure. 

However, there are a few instances where your friends are right and you shouldn’t call him if you want to get past the stuck phase.

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My Experience

There were many times when my friend said “dont call him”, but I was not able to do it because I was so hung up on the person in the delusional phase where I thought I could fix things and I thought that I shouldn’t be giving up too fast on people. However, these were the times that turned into a difficult lesson for me because my friend turned out to be right time and time again.

As I am writing this and trying to recall a lot of ugly phases in my life where I was trying to make peace with men and give them more chances than they deserve, it frustrates and makes me sad to even think that I have wasted a lot of time on men that do not deserve my attention.

I think it is okay to be open to fluid human experiences where it is difficult to judge people based on other people’s experiences. It is also understandable that we may want to give people more chances because, at the end of the day, love wins over everything.

However, based on the scenarios I’d explain below, I think it is important for us to always remember that it’s not worth getting back to people who are clearly not interested in us.

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A girl crying and a guy leaving her - with a text layover "don't call him if he does these 5 things"

Dont Call Him If:

  1. He Does Not Return Your Call When He Is Finally Free

Dont call him if he does not return your call when he is finally free. 

Ever heard guys saying that they are always busy and they do not have the time to call you? Have you always found that you are the only one taking the initiative to get in touch with men and they seem to really be busy?

I am reminded of a guy who was really busy with work and would only make time when he wanted to talk to me and when I expected him to give him some of his time, he would always be rushing for the next meeting or probably talking to someone else while being on the phone with me. 

He would say that he would call me but then days would turn into weeks and I wouldn’t hear anything from him until the day that he actually felt like texting me.

A guy who is really invested in getting to know someone would be able to get back to you within 24 hours. If he thinks that his job is more important than anything else, ask yourself if you would be able to tolerate someone like this even before you know if he is committed to you.

  1. You Always Text Him First In The Past

Dont call him if you think that you have been the one that always reaches out to him first even if it is via text messages. 

Do you find that your text messages are not being replied to promptly and you have the urge to call him now to see what’s happening with him?

If he is online he replies to other people and he seems to be updating his status and profile photos, he has time to reply to you. 

If he has left you on read, do not bother to call him because he is not respecting you in the first place.

  1. He Is Always Busy

A busy guy does not deserve your attention and therefore do not give in to your temptation to give him a call because that is merely disrespecting yourself.

That should be a balance between people who initiate conversation and people who reciprocate effort.

  1. He Disrespects You

If he has ever disrespected you and belittled you, dont call him! This is because, by calling him, it shows him that he still has control over your mind and you are still thinking about him, although you are calling him to probably give him a piece of your mind.

When someone disrespects you, it is a clear sign that you should not be getting back to them or trying to initiate a conversation with them because you are not going to be getting the sense of respect that you deserve. 

We tend to do this all the time because probably the disrespect feels hard to believe that we needed more evidence to finally believe that they do not respect us and it is time for us to not initiate conversations with them.

  1. If He Is Ignoring You

If you sense that someone is ignoring you, dont call him because I’m sure that he has been receiving your text messages or even your previous missed calls. If someone has not thought about getting back to you within a reasonable frame of time, it goes to show that they do not think that you are important to them.

You see them being online, you see them responding to social media posts and you see them glued to their phone all the time, but they dont have the time to respond to you? Dont you think that this is a red flag? 

Will A Guy Text or Call A Woman He Likes?

  • By Not Calling, He Thinks He Is Playing It Cool

A guy who likes you may not be calling you because he doesn’t want to be desperate and most importantly, he doesn’t want you to think that he is bothering you by being too intense. In other words, he can still like you and not make the first move to call you because he wants to play it cool.

You can be patient a little bit and initiate text message conversations to make him feel at ease. However, the guy should be able to pick up the signs that you are interested in him, that there’s love intention and also reciprocate effort in order to keep things going, because love is reciprocal.

  • People Usually Show What They Feel 

When it comes to love, nobody would ever want to see their loved ones getting married to someone else. Therefore, although a guy plays it cool, he will eventually open up and tell you that he likes you and will never leave you in a confused state.

If they like you, they will show it to you indirectly or directly. If someone likes you but hesitates and does not have the confidence to express it to you, you may want to reevaluate this relationship because you wouldn’t want to be the one stepping up and making the first move all the time. 

If someone just wants to string you along, you will be able to see this in their inconsistent behaviors.

  • No Guy Would Lose A Woman By Keeping Quiet

If you are a woman stressing over the fact that the guy that you like is not making enough effort to keep you interested, you should understand that no guy would lose a woman by keeping quiet. 

You should understand that a guy, even in today’s era, should be putting in at least equal amount of effort when it comes to dating and you should not be the one chasing after men who clearly lack the skills required to court a woman.

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How to not call him?

You should aim to be around other people as often as possible in order to make sure that the thoughts of wanting to call him do not overpower you. In other words, what you need to do is to find a new support system or people to hang around with so that you do not feel lonely and go back to thinking that you should call him.

Should I call him or not?

There is nothing wrong with women making the first move and if you are interested, and you think that he is also interested, you should go with your gut feelings and make the first call. However, you should be the one making calls all the time and you should understand that love is reciprocal and you should respect yourself enough to walk away from situations that do not serve you best.

Can a man like you and not call you?

If you are talking about communication style, you should first try to understand his preferences when it comes to communicating. A guy can absolutely like you and also not feel comfortable with phone calls.

Therefore, what you need to do is to first understand if he is making an effort to contact you in other ways. If he is not, then it is not worth the effort you put into trying to contact him.

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